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A powerful combination of the infamous HydraFacial with Radiofrequency technology HydraTight stimulates collagen and elastin production to plump, tighten, brighten and hydrate the skin.

The radiofrequency delivers heat, which affects collagen in the deeper layers of the skin. This causes deep structures of the skin to tighten, and over time, new and remodeled collagen is produced. Ultrasound waves are then beamed to a controlled targeted depth of the skin where thermal heat energy tightens and contracts underlying tissues. Thermal deep tissue treatments stimulate the growth of the new healthy collagen for prolonged and more intensive tightening.

Not suitable if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is contraindicated if you have a pacemaker or implantable defibrillator (or certain metal implants). If the microneedling modality is being used this is not suitable if you are on blood thinners, have a bleeding disorder, certain cardiac problems, active skin infection or allergy to local anaesthetic cream.


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